According to The Doctor, Fangarius is a survivor of a lost species, while the Time Lords have considered him to be an incorrigible meddler who mystically involves himself in intergalactic affairs which are best left unattended. Whatever the case, Fangarius--or Fanger--has indeed a rather enigmatic heritage upon the planet Gallifrey, which spans even beyond the existence of Gallifreyan Man itself.
Aeons ago, Gallifrey was once ruled by Paranormals--now denoted as Ancients--and the Wolf-Beings. The Wolf-Being races were designed upon the Ancient Clanstribe system--in which each race was made up of a certain family--each possessing unique traits and abilities. Although most of the Ancient Gallifreyan History has either been lost, or merely forgotten, it was known that the Ancients and Wolf-Being Clanstribes knew the mystical secrets of Magic and Science. However, unlike most races tending to dominate, these beings only utilized their remarkable knowledge for pure survival and exploration. In fact, it has even been documented that the Time Lords were not the first to discover TimeSpace travel. For the Ancients and Wolf-Beings were constantly transversing the awesome realm of the Fifth Dimension. Unfortunately, with the coming of Gallifreyan Man, sent forth by Divine Creation, this peaceful world would soon diminish.
Ambiguously, even though many efforts of co-existence were made between the old and new races, it would not be long before the Great War would commence. The aftermath which the intense battle wrought had decimated the Clanstribes from fifty down to five: The Fangarians, The Locanshites, The Pandrellians, The Fandraeli, and The Corinthians.
Afterwards, the remaining has either left the planet or simply avoided any known contact with the Modern Gallifreyan world. As to date, so far only the Fangarian Clanstribe has remained on Gallifrey, interacting with its people and the Time Lords.
On Gallifrey, Fanger is known as a graduate of the Prydonian College of the Academy, which entitles him in wearing its scarlet and orange ceremonial robes bearing his Clanscrest (the red F-Symbol) upon them. Prydonians are considered the best students out of the Arcalians, who wear green, and the heliotrope-clad Patrexes. Self-imposing his own exile from Gallifrey, Fanger prefers the unlimited roaming about within TimeSpace, even in his somewhat, unpredictable TARDIS 2, rather than the monotonous, regemented existence of the Time Lords. Some indicate Fanger's current attitudes have been attributed by The Doctor's influence, since the Fangarian had spent his first four Incarnations with the renegade Time Lord after the Master's Onslaught.
However, since The Doctor is secretly Fanger's Godfather, he believes his Godchild has learned something more essential than a bunch of theories, facts and dates found in any teaching establishment on Gallifrey: Life and experience with the vast, enigmatic Universe. Also, despite the Time Lords' non-intervention policy, Fanger intervenes whenever necessary to balk the forces of evil which are at work in the Universes of Matter and Anti-Matter.
Focusing on Fanger himself, as a TimeSpace crusader, he is seldom methodical. The TARDIS 2 is as temperamental as he is, to the extent his Fourth and Fifth Incarnations have no real control over its destination. There is seldom any plans of consistencies in handling enemies, either, since Fanger's likely to get ensnared in events beyond his control as he stumbles into the Daleks, F-Clones, Cybermen, or even supernatural threats, such as the Ancient, Grandier. Fanger usually gets mistaken for alien ambassadors or badly needed experts; his skills are likely to be put to use before explanations can be given (in some instances, Fanger never gives any)--by which time it is too late for protest. If he interferes willingly, he always acts for the best of intentions.
Time Lords (Wolf-Beings and Gallifreyans) possess two hearts, a phenomenal constitution which enables them unique survival inside environments which would be considered lethat to a normal Tellurian (aka Earthling) or Humanoid, and the specialized technique of entering a self-induced trace (i.e. self-hypnosis) when faced in extremely dangerous conditions. Yet, the most extraordinary of a Time Lords' capabilities is Regeneration.
Just as a snake sheds its skin, a Time Lord can change its form whenever its body becomes no longer suitable--from age or irreparable damage--to avoid death. Such Regenerations, consequently, do not always come easy for the Wolf-Being Time Lords, since they can also regenerate into a humanized form (such as the case with the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Fanger). Even so, the Time Lord also must account for the time which goes into stabilizing a new persona and body.
Time Lords contain the maximum of twelve Regenerations (Wolf-Beings can regenerate close to twenty-four times--but must earn the other twelve from Rassilon himself), limiting their forms to thirteen Incarnations, ultimately restricting their apparent Immortality. Wolf-Beings can, on the other hand, possess an exclusive technique known as Regeneration Transfer, which allows them to actually transfer a Regeneration into another being (Tellurian or otherwise) but can only be performed once upon the same individual. Nonetheless, Fanger is currently within his Ninth Incarnation. Each Incarnation of Fanger has unique traits and abilities; what Fanger may know in one Incarnation does not necessarily transfer into the next one. Parts of his memory open and close, revealing new talents while obscuring old ones. His physical size and appearance change as well (though it is said Wolf-Beings can sometimes retain their physiogomy, such as the case with Fanger's First, Second and Third Incarnations--hence Mental Regeneration), although a New Incarnation usually will be unhappy about the unexpected changes. The trouble with Regenerations--as Fanger and The Doctor have once aforementioned many times--is you never know quite what you are going to get.
Fangarius, Wolf-Beings and all Wolf-Being related things are (C)1983, 2002, 2007, 2009 Fangarian Prod.; Doctor Who, TARDIS and all things Gallifreyan [except for Wolf-Beings] are (c)1963-2007 BBC Prod.
1 comment:
Well now I understand alot more. Lol Thank u 4 giving me a quick history. Now I will b on the rite page n indersgand everything u r telling me...or drawing. Lol HUGS!!!
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